Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Quilt for a new Baby

Here's a quilt that I'm making for a friend's daughter. She's having a little girl in February. They live in Hawaii and at their beach house they have turtles that come up and spend the night so I thought this might be a good one to make. Still need to get it quilted and plan on maybe doing circles on the turtle shells and not sure about the rest.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Christmas Quilts

I've brought my little Charlie Brown Christmas tree up from the basement. And a friend was at an antique store and saw one of those ceramic Christmas trees with the lights on them and knew I wanted one so she called me and bought it from me. This one is green and is probably two-feet tall. I'm excited about it and it has a music box in it too.

And I've pulled down all of my Christmas quilts and am putting them on beds. At one time I said I wanted a Christmas quilt for every bed. Now I have many, many quilts and only two beds so I through them over the tables and across the back of the sofas and fold them at the bottom of the beds. Here is a picture of part of them ready to be dispersed throughout the house.

Friday, November 26, 2010

Spent Thanksgiving with friends who have a house on the water. The day was beautiful...warm, friendly breeze, lots of sunshine and we ate outside. I am thankful our friends invited us to share the day with them and their family. Thankful for the beautiful day! And most of all, thankful for my wonderful husband, lovely daughter, wonderful son-in-law, and my beautiful granddaughter.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Stocking Swap.

Each year a group I'm with on the internet does a Christmas Stocking Swap. The stocking has to be handmade and then filled with goodies. The goodies can be homemade or store bought. It's always fun to see what creative ideas these ladies come up with. This is the stocking I made for my partner. It's made from a "cutter" quilt. That's an old quilt that has lots of holes in it and you don't mind cutting it up for other purposes. I tied old bobbins on the cuff and put doilies as the cuff and at the toe and heel. Hopefully I'll get it off tomorrow or Friday for sure.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Visitors are Gone

Well, my daughter, son-in-law, and granddaughter left today to go home to California. It certainly was wonderful having them here. Here are a few pictures that I took at home and at the airport.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Going to try --

I'm going to try to post pictures of what I do during the day...if I sew...and post here. Have more pictures to post another day.!!!

What did I agree to?

While visiting Cathi's friend, Kacy, in Jacksonville; she asked if I would make her second son, Thompson, a quilt with his name on it like I had done for her first born, Connor. I said, of course I would. So when I got home I started on the quilt for Thompson. Keep in mind that they were coming for a visit to the Gulf Coast in about a month

I made Thompson's quilt and then got to thinking that gee, his brother will feel left out if I don't make him one so I did. I made it from a panel I had and had enough to make two quilts so I made two play quilts from the truck for Thompson and one for Connor...these were "play" quilts.
Now you're thinking, aren't I just the nicest person.....but wait!!! Also coming to the Gulf Coast were Cathi's other college friends ... a single mom who had been a foster parent to two American Indian sisters and in September she legally adopted them and became their real mom. Also being at the beach with everyone would be another college friend, her husband, her four-year old daughter and twin six-month old boys. Also there would be Cathi, Dan and Cady.
So I thought, okay, I am going to need to make quilts for all of these kids as I can't make one for some and none for others. So I made quilts for everybody!!!!! They were easy quilts with big pieces and I even had three "family" quilts. I used up lots of fabric and it felt good to make them for people I knew who would appreciate them. Cathi said that the two little girls took their quilts to bed with them...that certainly made me feel good!!! Here are pictures of all of the quilts I made.

On Monday morning we left for Jacksonville where we were going to spend the night again and then drop Dan, Cathi and Cady off at one of her college friend's house and she was going to take them to the airport on Tuesday afteroon. Did stop in St. Augustine to visit one of Phil's old work buddies who is awaiting a lung transplant at the Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville. It was good seeing him and visiting.

On Tuesday morning after breakfast Cathi and Cady went swimming. It was Cady's first time in a big pool and I think she enjoyed it. What do you think?!?!?

When we drove into the driveway of Cathi's friend, this is the sign that was chalked on the driveway. She has two little boys and they were all welcoming Cady. Pretty cute, huh?

Here's a picture of Dan, Cady and Cathi on the dinner cruise that was the rehearsal dinner. It was quite noisey inside so after dinner, Cady and I went outside and sat in the bow of the boat and talked for most of the ride. She was such a good baby. As people disembarked they couldn't believe there had been a baby on the cruise. A great time was had by all. Drove back to the condo and went right to bed.

The wedding was the next day and it was very nice. Very small but very nice. Reception brunch was delicious. Went back to the condo after the wedding and rested a bit and then went to Wayne's (my brother) for a barbecue and to visit with my brother's family and my dad who is now 92.

What have I been doing?

Well, I guess now you know why I named this "Maybe Daily". But you ask, "What has she been doing for the past month and a half?". Well, when I came home from California the weather here was beautiful...very fall-like. But I had to get ready for visitors --- Cathi and Cady were coming on the Tuesday after I returned to visit before driving with us to Flagler Beach for my nephew's wedding. This was all planned while I was in CA and they were thinking Dan was going to be in Cincinnati for that week so I suggested she and Cady come visit with us for a few days and we would drive to Jacksonville and meet Dan at the airport.

Well, it didn't quite work out that way. Dan didn't have to go to Cincinnati so he was home alone for a few days while Cathi and Cady were visiting us. He did fly into Jacksonville and got a room at an Embassy Suites. We drove to Jacksonville and met him at the hotel. We drove on to Flagler Beach and the condo we were staying at in Ormond Beach. However, we did take a little detour due to the GPS. Evidently there are two places named Plantation Bay and we drove past the sign that told us to turn at the correct one and followed the GPS ten miles further down the road.

Finally got to our condo which was really nice. Cady and I started to walk over to where they were having the wedding rehearsal and it was over but Wayne and Jade were driving by so they stopped and came up to the condo for a few minutes. Told us what was happening and what time to be at his house to follow them to where the dinner cruise was docked.

Have to go fix dinner but will post more....hopefully tonight!

Monday, September 27, 2010

Well yesterday it hit 114 degrees here in southern California. I know, it's a dry heat but HOT is HOT!!! And my daugher is knitting some "ski" caps for infants and toddlers and look what Cady had to try on yesterday.

Went to a really good little Mexican restaurant for lunch in Rancho Cucamonga and had a nice visit with one of Cathi's work mates and her daughter and granddaughter.

Tomorrow I'll be packing and heading back to the South. Hopefully it will be a bit cooler than when I left and a lot cooler than here in southern California.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

What Will I Write About?

I've wanted to do this for awhile but was never sure how to do it or what to write about. So I'm here at my daughter's and she is helping me get this going. I'm hoping this blog will help me keep track of my life. I've always wanted to keep a journal but never have and maybe this will help me be better about it.

I'm hoping to maybe keep track of my quilting/sewing projects and maybe this will help me get rid of some of my UFO's...I figure maybe if I publish this to the whole world it will help me move some of my projects along.