Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Boomeranged Home

Here are the first blocks that were made for me and I especially like the one where she fussy cut the center block. Was wondering what everybody would make and so far I am really pleased.

More outgoing Boomerang blocks

Here are some more of the Boomerang blocks I made and are being mailed out tomorrow.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

One more Boomerang and a quilt

Here is the last Boomerang block.

And the little quilt on the right is one I made for the lady who babysits for Cady every once in awhile when her Dad is busy with his job. It's actually a log cabin I Spy...don't know if you can see the fabrics but I just cut up my leftover strips from some of my I Spy fabrics. I have about eight more blocks just like these. Not sure what I'm going to be doing with those.

Now I really am up-to-date

Okay, now I really am up-to-date with my Boomerang blocks. I recevied some in the mail today and finished those up and there is no mail on Monday to I'm up-to-date. Mailed off all of the blocks except for these yesterday.

Thursday, January 13, 2011


I'm now up-to-date with all the fabrics I've been sent and will mail them out tomorrow. However, you'll notice in the last one that I'll be needing to turn the bottom right square around. Will do that in the morning and then mail them off.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Some more blocks

Here are the rest of the blocks I've finished. Am glad that Monday is a holiday and there won't be any mail. Maybe I'll finish up all the fabrics I've received so far.

What I've been doing

Remember I told you I was doing that Boomerang Swap, having to make 36 blocks...well, here are the first five and I'll post four more in a minute. It's fun seeing everybody's fabric and going through my stash finding fabrics to go with and a pattern.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Baby Gift

Our friends who live in Hawaii and have a beach house where turtles come to rest have a daughter who is having a baby and here's the quilt I made her. While the quilting isn't the best I love the little turtles and the colors.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

These are three cloth books that I finished for next Christmas. "The Night Before Christmas" is for Cady and also one of the "I Want a Dog for Christmas, Charlie Brown". The other one is for my great-nephew Jonah. Just hope I can remember where I put them when next Christmas comes.

And this is a block I made for one of the ladies who started one of the internet groups I'm in. Her birthday is this month and each of us was to make a heart block for her.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011


I belong to a group and we're doing what they
call a "Boomerang Swap". You mail out a fat 1/8 to each person and they make you a block and "boomerang" it back to you. The swap consists of 36 people. I went through my stash to see what I could find. The first piece I had enough to cut for twenty (20) people and told them when I saw the fabric I thought of Summer/Picnic and told the I couldn't wait to see what they would create. The second piece I said that since I love Mary Egelbreit and I had a bolt of this fabric...I'd like to see what they created!
The sign-ups just closed and I just got my mailing list so I'll be sending out shortly. Hopefully I'll be receiving fabrics soon and I'll try and post fabric and blocks!

When I learned that I was going to be a grand-mother, over a year ago I went through my stash looking for all kinds of children's things and came across the panel for a book. It's called "Zippity Zoo Da" and is very colorful and made of flannel. I finished it up today and it will be off to Cady soon. As she tends to like to chew on all things, this book should be right up her ally!

Jan. BOM

I belong to a Block of the Month that has been going on for years, ever since Prodigy was here on the internet. Anyway, have been with this group for over ten years. This is the first block for 2011. The instructions given names the block "Wyoming Beauty". I love the way four blocks come together. Think this would make a great scrappy quilt. It's a 9" finished block

Trying to get organized

Here's the little quilt I made from the leftovers from the one below. It's a little doll quilt for my granddaughter for when she gets old enough to play with dolls. It measures about 18"x18".

And here's the top I made with all of the rest of the hexagons. I had initially wanted it to be hexagon in shape and then I decided I'd make it a square throw for myself for in the evenings when it was cool. So I added some hexies to the sides...but only two sides...I didn't think that I would have to add them to four sides instead of two and anyway, it grew to be a big top. It's actually about 72"x 80" and contains 3540 hexagons.